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North Korean navy ships were caught crossing over South Korea water boundry.
When they were spotted, South Korea launched 10 warning shots at the N.K navy ships.
After the 10 warning shots were fired, N.K turned back into the North’s waters

Now that we’re starting to see moves between the N. & S. koreans we must wonder what’s to come.
Is the boundry crossing a test to S.Korea and their security, could it be a possible distraction to study the reactions of the South for their next move?

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Martial Law in Thailand.
So the military out patrolling streets to stop violence on the streets.
The Pro and Anti government protestors are out in force but according to the army, they both have been confined to their own protest space (so to speak)

Now, with Ukraine militants killing their own…What will happen to the citizens of Thailand?
Will they be subject to this as well?

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Earth opens more of itself in Tennessee swallowing up a chunk of a football field.
They measure the sinkhole to be 40 feet wide by 40 feet deep

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